Tuesday, January 29, 2008

victim to hyperreality?

I have definately been a victim of hyperreality. The one way that mainly pops out to me is thru commercials. For example, a nike commercial says that you will become a great athlete that is faster and will perform better in their shoes. So I go out and buy those shoes. Does it really make me that all star athlete? No. in fact, in this particular example I wore the shoes for a couple weeks and I tore 3 ligaments in my knee while wearing those shoes. But anywho. Everyone is probably a victim of hyperreality in some way. I mainly just thought of how commercials affected me.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


hyperreality has definitely affected the American perception of love and relationship. It is seen everywhere, from tv to the Internet. With hyperreality, people can "make up a new reality that has completely misrepresented their true reality". Take Myspace for example. We hear about stories all the time on the news about a raping or kidnapping of a girl or boy that thought they were hooking up with a man or woman that seemed fine to them. Their profile may have said a 19 yr old guy that is very romantic and all that stuff, but come to fin\d out its a old child molester. Another example of where hyperreality is seen is on popular television shows. hyperreality "is an image without resemblance". In common shows it may show and teach that a sexually driven life is comepletely fine and that there is nothing wrong with one night stands and promiscuity. Hyperreality is everywhere and truly messes with the perception of what love and relationship is all about


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Capt. Jack Sparrow...POMO

i think that captain jack sparrow is Pomo mainly because he is very care free. Is something happens of someone says something that will happen to him that isn;t too good he just accepts it and it doesnt ever really affect him. He pretty much just goes thru the motions of life and doesnt really care about his fate. Another thing is that he never has a definite role in the films. He goes thru changing his character and roles in the films. So making his own life or lives. This then makes the viewer have to choose what the believe his role is in the films which would be deconstruction, another major point to pomoism. So chea thats why i believe he is pomo.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


So for this assignment I wasn't too sure of what I was going to do with it. Just bumped into someone on the road and talk about our life stories? Go down a bunch of stair cases and find some random person just waiting there to talk to? I didn't think this was really going to happen. So what I figured I was going to do was that while I was helping deliver some stuff to all the tully's and nordstroms and all those places from our bakery, I would actually talk to the people that I deliver to. Rather than just dropping it off and asking them to sign the dotted line. I thought this would work fine. Come to find out I didnt have to work that day. So sitting with the pep band at the girls varsity game I didnt know what I was going to do. In that lil thinkning to myself about this, I didnt hear what the next song was going to be that we played. I then asked this unknown figure holding a trombone in front of me what the next song was. He simply responded with "smoke on the water". Simple enough, but I thought I would try to engage in conversation. So I went on started to talk to him about the band, which then lead to talking about the school and basketball and all that good stuff. I found out that he actually played for a jazz band that i had actually seen play before. the whole thang was tight. not awkward or anything like that. We each leaned a lot about the other person.