Friday, February 15, 2008

Author/Actor?. . .

Today we see many movies and shows that may degrade or poke fun at dfferent cultures, sexes, or many other things. But does the view in the show/movie represent the view of the author, or is it just another show that is just put together like that? I think that what is shown in the movie or show is not neccessarily the view of the author. Sometimes it may be directly what they view, but I dont believe thats how it always is. To me, it seems like they are just doing their job. They are professionals, and study what sells to readers and viewers today. It might not be at all what they view, but because they want to be successful in the business they produce those kinds of movies. They most likely wouldnt be successful if everytime theywrote something, it was completely their view. They have to do what they need to do to be successful. This can be applied to many different areas as well. But for the issue of the story representing the author or producer, I do not believe that is how it is 100% of the time.

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